The year 2020 was tricky for a lot of job seekers. I put my skill to the test in trying to stand out and (spoiler alert) it worked!
Cyrena Wages EP Release
Cyrena Wages, breaking free of her group the Lost Wages, came to me wanting a breakout, styled shoot. I styled the entire shoot, Cyrena, and we went through my quirky house and took pictures in just about every room. These are some of the images from the shoot.
Flea Markets in Nashville: James R. Kirkland
James Kirkland comes to Nashville!
Pick & Choose: Elements of a Brand Experience
I want to do a quick breakdown for those who are wanting to manufacture a solid brand experience but need guidance on the best way to pick and choose what should make the cut for a first phase launch, second phase, etc.
Benefits of Empathy in the Creative World
When you think of a Creative Director, it's easy to think the job ends at good design and ensuring items are delivered on time and to the expected standard. Simply managing a team, keeping the peace, and speaking to clients about projects is normal day-to-day. Though these are obvious tasks a CD has, there are nuanced, fundamental senses that are tapped into on a daily basis which are easy to forget. I find this is also what separates a good director from a great director. But it doesn't only apply to those in my position specifically; it benefits all creatives. The emotion I speak of? Empathy.
My Top 5 Favorite Discovery Questions
Being able to create a discovery blueprint complete with questions that both make a client feel heard and comfortable acts as a pivotal tool to create an identity that fits just right. As someone who can successfully create a brand's identity to then create the brand experience (both digitally and physically), it is extremely important that I understand a client's goals.
A Very Merry Christmas
Parks & Rec greeting cards for White Elephant work Christmas party!